You've been pronouncing 'Voldemort' wrong

Despite the fact that there have been seven books and eight movies, it is more than likely that you’ve been pronouncing Lord Voldemort's name wrong.
In a little exchange on Twitter, author J.K. Rowling confirmed the proper Voldemort pronunciation, and it just might surprise you.

Here are the tweets from J.K. Rowling:
One piece of Harry Potter trivia I always forget to mention: the "t" is silent in Voldemort.
… but I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who pronounces it that way
Anybody who paid attention at school schould have an inkling that the name Tom Riddle choose, Voldemort, must have had French origins. The name can be traced back to voleur de mort ('stealer of death' or 'deathstealer') or vol de mort ('flight from death' or 'escaper from death'). In both versions you pronounce the name as 'voldemor'.
Even the surname of Bellatrix Lestrange should be pronounced as if it were French. Étrange in French means 'strange' or 'the strange one'. Well, Helena Bonham Carter certainly played a strange witch.

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